Small Food Price Increases Across the Board: June CPI Report

reading food labels

Following May’s unchanged food price index, the latest CPI report reflects a 0.2% rise in the food index for June.

Five of the six grocery store food group indexes rose in June, causing an overall increase of 0.2% for food at home. The only index to decline last month was meat, poultry, fish, and eggs. A sharp 7.1% decrease in egg prices was the most significant contributor to the downslide.

  • Meat, poultry, fish, and eggs: – 0.6%

  • Cereals and bakery products: + 0.6%

  • Dairy and related products: + 0.7%

  • Fruits and vegetables: + 0.5%

  • Nonalcoholic beverages: + 0.3%

  • Other food from home: + 0.1%

Food away from home also rose 0.2%.

Over the past year, food at home has risen by a modest of 0.4% with five of the six grocery store food group indexes having increased. Meanwhile, prices for food away from home have creeped up by a more substantial 2.8%.