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  • SIAL PARIS 2020 x Make.org Launch a Consultation to Highlight Tomorrow’s Solutions for a Healthier and Eco-friendly Worldwide Food Industry

SIAL PARIS 2020 x Make.org Launch a Consultation to Highlight Tomorrow’s Solutions for a Healthier and Eco-friendly Worldwide Food Industry

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Before the Coronavirus crisis, rising consumer awareness and the rapid growth of the worldwide population were already driving the agri-food industry to rethink the way it works. Today, it’s under unprecedented pressure to meet the new demand, as well as cope with new restrictions designed to stop the spread of disease.

Health, transparency, eco-responsibility, food justice – the pandemic has brought the deep issues impacting our industry into the spotlight. Never has the need for change and reinvention been so strong. Food professionals of the world, we are calling on you to pool your collective intelligence, to develop the solutions together, as a community, to offer food that’s healthy, balanced, eco-friendly, fair and accessible to the greatest number.


In October, the 2020 edition of SIAL Paris is set to launch a new dynamic by opening debate around a powerful and unifying theme: #Own the Change.

At a time of transitions, reinventions and global social responsibility, we want to unite food professionals across the world around the major transformations taking place in the industry. We will always need to eat, but the changes on the horizon are huge. Between now and 2030, the worldwide population will rise from 7.6 to 8.6 billion (United Nations Report, 2017).

This enormous increase represents an immense challenge for the food community. Making sure there will be enough to eat obviously comes before innovation, but there are new paradigms to take into account: producing more while polluting less, exploring new supply sources, becoming more transparent…

New approaches have to initiated or reinforced that respect people and the environment. That’s why SIAL Paris is urging the food community to seize the reins of change and imagine tomorrow’s solutions together.

Nicolas Trentesaux, General Director of the SIAL

Our rapport with food is changing and we have to make new choices. We have to urgently re-think our relationship with agriculture and the transformation and distribution of products to deliver consumers an experience that makes sense. At the SIAL, we believe that business performance is only meaningful if it brings improvements to health, the environment and society as a whole. Our role is to understand, analyze and incite change by giving our exhibitors and visitors, who are the first to be affected, the keys to create the solutions of the future.


SIAL is committed. We are a founding member of the Great Cause “How can we enable everyone to eat better” with Make.org and its partners. The aim is to give strong, international resonance to the best propositions from the public, generate avenues for development through own consultation with the worldwide food industry and put the ideas into action collectively.

We want to mobilize all food professionals in all their diversity who can propose theirsolutions on make.org from now to the end of May and participate in their concrete development at SIAL Paris in October!”

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