PROCESS EXPO Presents: Food for Thought Sessions

Food for Thought

New to PROCESS EXPO, Food for Thought sessions offers emerging leaders an opportunity to hear inspirational talks from leading food and beverage professionals on what the industry has meant to them professionally and personally. Their 15-minute talk will follow informal Meet-Ups where attendees can continue discussions with the speaker and other professionals in the industry. The featured speakers will share how they got into the industry, why they remain in it, and words of advice for someone starting off or fairly new in their career.

“The invited speakers are well respected in the industry and have been active volunteers for the Food Processing Suppliers Association (FPSA), in particular the Councils,” said David Seckman, President & CEO of FPSA. “We have many students attending PROCESS EXPO. We want them to have successful careers in the industry, and mentorship is key to getting them there. Our hope is that through these sessions, the students can gain mentors either by the speakers or through networking with the Young Professionals Group and Women’s Alliance Network members. At the same time, we are investing in the future of FPSA.”

These sessions times and speakers are:• Tuesday, October 8, 11:30 am – 12:00 pm at the QUAD (Booth 1377): Featuring KenHagedorn, FPSA Board of Directors and Foundation Board member and Vice-President of Sales and Marketing at Naegele, Inc. This session is a joint Meet-Up with the Young Professionals Group.• Tuesday, October 8, 12:30 pm – 1:00 pm at the FPSA Booth (2848): Featuring Jean Moran, past FPSA Board of Directors Chair and former CEO of LMI Packaging Solutions, Inc. This session is a joint Meet-Up with the Women’s Alliance Network.• Wednesday, October 9, 11:30 am – 12:00 pm at the QUAD (Booth 1377): Featuring Patrick McGady, Vice-Chair of the FPSA Pet Food Council and National Sales Manager for Handtmann, Inc. This session is a joint Meet-Up with the Young Professionals Group.• Thursday, October 10, 11:30 am – 12:00 pm at the QUAD (Booth 1377): Featuring Steve Radke, Vice-Chair of the FPSA Prepared Foods Council and Vice-President of Sales at JBTC. A Young Professionals Group Meet-Up will follow at 12:30 pm at the FPSA Booth (2848).

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