Modern Meat Completes First Run of Plant-Based Products in the United States

VANCOUVER, BC, AUGUST 02, 2021- Modern Plant-Based Foods Inc., (CSE:MEAT) (” Modern Plant Based Foods “) or (the “Company “), a premier plant-basedfood company, announced that Modern Meat has successfully launched its first line ofproducts through its co-manufacturing agreement with Real Vision Foods LLC ofCalifornia (“Real Vision”). The company has pushed to market the Modern Crab-lessCakes and Remoulade in its initial launch of its portfolio of plant-based meat alternativeproducts in the United States.

“We are very pleased with the quality of products that have been produced by RealVison, and we expect Modern Meat to be hitting shelves of retailers throughout the westcoast of the United States imminently. Our company is working diligently with an arrayof distributors to ensure visibility on store shelves. We expect to see significant growthin the coming months through this expansion plan,” states Chris Parkinson, Brand andRelationship Manager of Modern Meat.

Real Vision foods is a California based co-manufacturer with the capability of producingup to a wholesale value of $25 Million USD worth of total Modern Meat products peryear through its facility. Its management team has over 100 years of experience workingwith companies such as at General Mills, Pepsi and Yum Restaurants. The principleshave provided over 250 different SKUs to retail, mass merchandise & club store supplychain, with branded and private label applications in US and Canada.

“From our initial meeting with Modern Meat we recognized quickly that we were alignedin our values and vision to enhance and expand premium quality plant-based meatalternatives. Their ingredient deck is simple, easy to understand, and free of manycommon allergens. Working with a group that understands the plant-based space andwhere it’s going is exciting and we look forward to an expanding and rewardingrelationship with Modern Meat in the coming years,” said Joseph Ertman, President ofReal Vison Foods.

“California has been market that has been of interest to Modern Meat for some time.The demographics reflect that of our target consumer, specifically those who areseeking a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle,” explains Tara Haddad, Founder andCEO of Modern Plant-Based Foods. “We anticipate our award-winning crab-less cakeswill be a hit with consumers and we want to thank Real Vision for giving us thisopportunity and look forward to a long and mutually beneficial relationship.”

MODERN PLANT BASED FOODS INC.700 W Georgia St #2500,Vancouver, BC V7Y 1B3

About Modern Plant-Based FoodsModern Plant-Based Foods is a Canadian food company based in Vancouver, BritishColumbia that offers a portfolio of plant-based products including meat and dairy-freealternatives, soups and vegan snacks. Our products are available at select restaurantsand retailers across Canada including our own Modern Wellness Bars located inVancouver. We take a holistic approach to plant-based living and understand theimportance of providing nutritious and sustainable alternatives to consumers withoutsacrificing taste. We want people to feel good about the food they eat which is why weare deliberate in choosing ingredients free of soy, gluten, nuts and GMOs.Our mission is to change the way food is produced and consumed for the benefit ofpeople, animals and the environment by using natural plant-based ingredients.