FSMA Opens Doors to Safety and Efficiency

Door technology is trending in the wake of FSMA’s effects. As best practices become law, Food Manufacturing reports, doors are making a bigger difference in safety and energy efficiency.

New wash-down doors roll up instead of sideways, and they’re made of anti-microbial, anti-corrosive polypropylene to eliminate “harborage” of harmful bacterias.

Faster-moving doors are boosting both energy efficiency and productivity. They move at up to 100 inches per second, minimizing air filtration so food in cooled and refrigerated areas stays fresher and safer.

Speed and advances in thermal seal technology are eliminating the need for vestibules and expensive panel defrost systems, freeing up both physical space and space in the budget.

Light communication systems are also improving the safety and visibility of forklift operators and pedestrians in and around door areas.

Many door developments are already GMP compliant and are becoming recognized necessities by the IECC (International Energy Conservation Code) for minimizing harmful air exchange and maximizing long-term savings.

Source. Food Manufacturing Magazine. Safety, Efficiency Driving Door Trends.