Fourth-of-July Consumer Trends Stick to Tradition

Want to know what America’s eating on Independence Day?  A national consumer poll released last week from Instantly says hamburgers win over hot dogs, 43% to 19%. Top favorite side dishes on the Fourth are baked beans, corn-on-the-cob, and potato salad.

Frito-Lay/Lay’s is the brand of chips chosen by 50% of respondents, followed by KC Masterpiece, Kettle Chips, and Doritos, which all tied with 11% of the vote.

Americans responding to the Instantly poll said their food choices on the Fourth are driven by tradition (34%), best value (35%), and the chance to take a “cheat day” from their diets (a whopping 74%).

“Since so many people celebrate the Fourth of July with food, this holiday is huge for brands and retailers,” said Andy Jolls, chief marketing officer at Instantly. “Our poll suggests that consumers strongly associate the Fourth with time-honored traditions, so marketers might be better off looking to the past for inspiration rather than going too outside the box.”