Continuous Processors Feature Adjustable Throughput Rate to Accommodate Future Growth


Readco CP Produces More As Production Demands Increase

York, PA: Continuous Processors from process equipment manufacturer Readco Kurimoto, LLC, York, Pa. (, feature a wide processing window that allows the throughput rate to be significantly increased to meet increasing production demands (or decreased) without compromising product quality or adding equipment. Future-proofing against potential demand spikes, the adjustable Continuous Processors eliminate the need to purchase additional batch mixers and conveyors – or entire batch processing lines – to boost capacity while avoiding their requisite cleaning, labor costs, safety concerns, and batch to batch inconsistencies entirely. The throughput rate may be adjusted in seconds via touch-screen controls.

Ideal for continuously processing multiple liquid, dry and viscous materials in a single step, the adjustable Continuous Processors feature twin shaft, co-rotating screws with intermeshing mixing elements that produce a homogeneous mixture independent of the level of fill. While batch mixers typically require a large free volume with a relatively small mixing zone, the Readco mixing system converts the entire free volume into a mixing zone, ensuring that controlled changes in throughput rates automatically apply the identical mixing intensity to all materials across a wide range of production rates. Reducing the batch volume, by contrast, reduces or eliminates the flow of material through the mixing zone and results in an incomplete mix and/or inefficient production.

The Continuous Processors are custom-engineered for each product and process and may be tested with a variety of fill levels on full-size equipment at the company’s on-site test laboratory to verify performance. Tests are offered live in person and online via live stream.

For a free brochure or more information, contact Readco Kurimoto, LLC, 460 Grim Lane, York PA 17406; 800-395-4959; or see